Fragile figure is inspired by an unforeseen long hospital stay I experienced myself.
It asks questions about my physical and mental health. It raises questions about my healing process, about my body. The internal conflict between being physically weak and wanting to advance mentally. The frustrations of healing that takes time. Experiencing loneliness. Learning to accept help and scars.

'The damage is done, 60 x 70 cm, acryl and oil on canvas, 2021, Kunst in huis collectie

Het in een ander daglicht zien, 60 x 70 cm, oil on canvas,2021,Private Collection

Geen titel, 100 x 120 cm, oil on canvas, 2021,Private Collection

In de knoop, 60 x 80 cm, Oil and acryl on canvas, 2020, Privé Collectie

Toucheren, 47 x 40 cm, Oil on canvas, 2020

Sleepy head, 35 x 30 cm, Oil and acryl on canvas, 2020

Suskewiet, 40 x 30 cm, Oil and ecoline on canvas, 2020, Private Collection

Pills, Acryl and oil on canvas, 18 x 24 cm2020, Privé Collectie

zwart langs buiten, zo kon er geen licht meer binnen vallen, 30 x 30 cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Contactloos, 18 x 24 cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Begraaf al de pijn, 38 X 45 cm, Acryl and oil on canvas, 2021

Waiting, 100 x 90 cm, Oil and acryl on canvas,100 x 90 cm, 2021

Untiteld, 100 x 70 cm, oil and acryl on canvas, 2020

Onderhuids, 50 x 60 cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Het is ingewikkeld, 18 x 24 cm, oil on canvas, 2021, Private Collection

Litteken, 30 x 40 cm, olieverf op doek, 2022